I am a teacher, and I’d like to create a WAM video with my class.
The WAM editorial team at Rutgers welcomes submissions of videos by classes at other institutions. Dr. Esther Morgan-Ellis, whose class at the University of North Georgia created this video on Hildegard of Bingen, used the following process, which she has kindly shared. Check out her “Why WAM?” post, too! Please contact us at rutgers_wam@email.rutgers.edu if you’d like your class to be involved.
Video Project Assignment
Description: As a class, we will produce a 20-minute video on the subject of Hildegard of Bingen. The video is intended for publication on the website Women in Art Music (https://wam.rutgers.edu/). The specific topic(s) to be addressed in the video will emerge over the course of our readings, discussions, and interview with Hildegard scholar Dr. Margot Fassler.
Tasks: Tasks will be justly distributed based on interest. Students might complete research, write narrative scripts, record narrative scripts, collect images, record Hildegard’s compositions, design the video sequence, write interview questions, edit the video, or complete other tasks as they arise.
Grading: Every student will provide feedback on the contributions of every other student. This feedback will be combined with the instructor’s evaluation of each student’s contribution and of the project result as a whole to determine what percentage of the possible points have been earned. Feedback will be given throughout the project so that students know whether they are contributing adequately. This project is worth 20% of the total course grade.
August 22 – All roles assigned
- There will be class time dedicated to this project in the first month for the purpose of collaboration, clarification, and making sure that progress is being made.
September 17 – All scripts and other materials due to video designers and to instructor
- The instructor will provide feedback to script writers as quickly as possible. Revised scripts must then be provided to the readers and recordings made.
October 1 – All materials (script/audio/video recordings, images, sequence) due to video editors
October 15 – Video editors submit first draft to class for feedback
October 22 – Feedback due to video editors
October 29 – Video editors submit final cut to class for approval
October 31 – Completed video submitted to Women in Art Music
Video Project Roles:
Project Managers/Designers
- These students will keep track of all project components, take careful notes on class discussions, plan the video flow, and coordinate with content producers and video editors
Script Researchers/Writers
- These students will each research a topic and write a narrative script. Topics will be determined by the class.
Image/Video Collectors
- These students will collect or create high-quality images and video clips for inclusion in the film. They are responsible for following Fair Use guidelines.
- These students are responsible for writing interview questions and coordinating the filming of the interview with our subject.
Script Readers
- These students will perform the scripts.
- These students will perform the selected musical examples.
Recording Engineers
- These students will record the script readers and singers.
Video Editors
- These students will follow the plan laid out by the Video Designers to assemble the video recordings, audio recordings, and images submitted by the other students.